How to Reset Spotify Password without Email?


Reset Your Spotify Password without Email

Know-How do I Reset Spotify Password without Email

Has your entertainment stopped with Spotify? This means that you might have lost access to your account or have forgotten the password. But now you remember that you have not linked your email with the application and are finding it difficult to get back the account. Then you shall not panic as we have you covered. To know how to reset Spotify password without email you can follow the steps mentioned further in this article.

Steps to Reset Spotify Password without Email!

  1. Open any preferred web browser and head over to the official webpage of from its search bar.
  2. When the page is displayed in front of you, enter the email address or username in the first box and tap the “Forgot Password or username” option from the bottom of the page.
  3. This will lead you to the Spotify password reset page and you are asked to enter email or username in the box. As you do not have an email linked to the account hence you can enter your username and tap “Next”.
  4. Now, if you have any other email then you can enter the email address and check for the password reset link.
  5. In case, you do not have that then you can choose to enter your phone number such that you get the verification code.
  6. Type the same on the recovery page and tap “Next”. Now Spotify will be checking the code and allowing you to create a new password.
  7. And you need to create a password that is strong enough and easy to remember and tap “OK” once you are done.

So, with the help of the above Spotify Password Reset without email option you not only reset your password but also get back the entertainment. In case, you need any assistance then you can visit the official website without the hassle.